Extreme Face Fucking Camille Black Porn Video
Camille Black is harnessing her inner Betty Page with her hairstyle, but that's where the similarities end. Betty is an iconic figure breaking barriers in the modeling world while Camille is just some dumb street trash sucking cock on the internet. Oh... she's also had an XBox One smashed in her face by an ex-boyfriend. Spending only a few moments with the guy, I have to tell you... I can see his point. Anyway, she is a good whore. She obviously knows her business. Taking big fat cocks down her throat proved to be a lot easier for her than the others that graced our cock. Plus, she takes it up the ass with little effort. There's not much this whore couldn't do, actually. Believe it or not, she genuinely likes being treated like trash.

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Camille Black's 2nd Round of Face Fucking
Camille Black is back... and fatter. But we sorta love her here. She's a filthy disgusting animal built for the punishment we dish out. She's also a crowd favorite and we value the feedback of our fans... so when they asked for her return, we listened. Of course, any whore coming through the door a second time knows that we step it up... and we did. We pushed Camille to her limits with punishing cocks down the throat hole and hard cocks stretching her pussy. By the time this was all over, she was left in a puddle of her own slop and then we used the GX32 modulator on her hairy pussy. What a fucking way to end an amazing scene! view video »